Great for reflux, baby loves it! We bought this after trying to find a way to get our newborn cozy on the couch with us. This is a great flexible option. We even used it for her to sleep between us the first few nights when we couldn't stop staring at her...she is so comfortable in this she often falls right asleep. I know it says not to sleep in it but until she is mobile it seems safe enough.
Unfortunately we learned that she also has reflex and is prone to spitting up after she eats. This is made worse if you set her in any sitting position; bouncy seat, swing, carseat. This works like a charm as she is more reclined and doesn't spit up when we lay her in it.
Unfortunately we learned that she also has reflex and is prone to spitting up after she eats. This is made worse if you set her in any sitting position; bouncy seat, swing, carseat. This works like a charm as she is more reclined and doesn't spit up when we lay her in it.
I would also suggest the cover that you can purchase for this as well. It is fleece and makes it very cozy for winter, review By luv2shop
my son loves it! I had been using my regular Boppy to lay my newborn son in for short periods of time and he always slid down into it and I had to re-adjust him every minute or so. Then I found this!! It is so awesome and he loves it! He will stay content in this for a good 30 minutes at a time. When he's not using it I have to make sure I keep it propped up on end or my cats will be sleeping in it in no time. review By D. Fokema
Baby Seats,